

1. Purpose of model

Open-loop high pressure gas ring grid of Hamburg.

2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight

This model is an aggregated version of the gas grid in Hamburg based on data from [1] and [2]. The methodology is described in [3].

3. Limits of validity

(Purely technical component without physical modeling.)

4. Interfaces

offTakeHarburg: inlet for real gas

offTakeAltona: inlet for real gas

offTakeEimsbuettel: inlet for real gas

offTakeNord: inlet for real gas

offTakeWandsbek: inlet for real gas

offTakeMitte: inlet for real gas

offTakeBergedorf: inlet for real gas

GTSLev: inlet for real gas

GTSTor: inlet for real gas

5. Nomenclature

(no elements)

6. Governing Equations

(no equations)

7. Remarks for Usage

(no remarks)

8. Validation

(no validation or testing necessary)

9. References

[1] Gasnetz Hamburg GmbH, Strukturdaten", 2020, [Online]. Available: https://www.gasnetz-hamburg.de/fuer-unternehmen/netzzugang-nutzung/strukturdaten. [Accessed: 27-May-2020].

[2] Gasnetz Hamburg GmbH, "Netzbezogene Daten", 2020, [Online]. Available: https://www.gasnetz-hamburg.de/fuer-unternehmen/netzzugang-nutzung/netzbezogene-daten. [Accessed: 27-May-2020].

[3] L. Andresen, P. Dubucq, R. Peniche Garcia, G. Ackermann, A. Kather, and G. Schmitz, “Transientes Verhalten gekoppelter Energienetze mit hohem Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien: Abschlussbericht des Verbundvorhabens,” Hamburg, 2017.

10. Version History

Created by Tom Lindemann (tom.lindemann@tuhh.de), Mar 2016

Edited and revised by Lisa Andresen (andresen@tuhh.de), Jun 2016

Modified by Carsten Bode (c.bode@tuhh.de), May 2020 (updated to new models and improved numerical behavior)


 PressureLossPressure loss model

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