Calculates amount of power to be generated by the Combined Heat and Power plants based on
* The amount of heating power that they should provide (time series)
* Power price in the spot market (time series)
PQ Diagrams are used for this
* Q_flow_Target_WT: takes the heat flow to be supplied by one of the CHP plants [W]
* Q_flow_Target_WW: takes the heat flow to be supplied by one of the CHP plants [W]
* spotPrice: takes the value of the spot price [Eur/MWh]
* P_out_WT: delivers the target value of power generation to one of the CHP plants [W]
*P_out_WW: delivers the target value of power generation to one of the CHP plants [W]
(no elements)
PQ-Diagrams for each of the plants
schedulingTwoBlocks component
Calculation of the target power output
(no remarks)
(no validation or testing necessary)
(no remarks)
Model created by Ricardo Peniche