1. Purpose of model
This model of a power plant is basically just a electric power boundary with added statistic components. The power output is the power setpoint times the total efficiency (eta_total).
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
No dynamics modeled, just one lumped efficiency and statistics
3. Limits of validity
Only static power setpoints make sense...
4. Interfaces
epp: electric power port can be chosen
P_el_set: input for electric power in W (electric power setpoint)
5. Nomenclature
(no remarks)
6. Governing Equations
(no remarks)
7. Remarks for Usage
With the choice of the boundary the the model can be used as PQ or PU bus.
8. Validation
(no remarks)
9. References
(no remarks)
10. Version History
Model created by Pascal Dubucq (dubucq@tuhh.de) on 01.10.2014
Model generalized for different electrical power ports by Jan-Peter Heckel (jan.heckel@tuhh.de) in July 2018