1. Purpose of model
Slew Rate limited (=nonlinear), Minimum power limited (shuts down below minimum power), with primary and secondary balancing controller where secondary balancing power is lumped inside.
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS):
Via parameter 'CO2_Deposition_Rate' the fraction of CO2 that shall be deposited can be defined. The efficiency losses due to CCS can be defined via characterstic lines which are stored in records and which can be chosen via 'CCS_Characteristics'. If 'NoCCS' is chosen there will be no efficiency losses. Though CO2 will still be depositied if COS_DepostionRate>0.
3. Limits of validity
(no remarks)
4. Interfaces
epp: type of electrical power port can be chosen
P_el_set: input for electric power in W (electric power setpoint)
P_SB_set: input for electric power in W (secondary balancing setpoint)
UseCCS: if true: CCS is deposited - if false: CCS is not deposited
5. Nomenclature
(no remarks)
6. Governing Equations
(no remarks)
7. Remarks for Usage
If 0/0 occurs at initialization, try setting useHomotopyVarSlewRateLim to false.
If circular equalities appear, try setting Evaluate=true in the model.
8. Validation
(no remarks)
9. References
(no remarks)
10. Version History
Model created by Pascal Dubucq (dubucq@tuhh.de) on 01.10.2014
Model generalized for different electrical power ports by Jan-Peter Heckel (jan.heckel@tuhh.de) in July 2018
Model modified by Oliver Schülting (oliver.schuelting@tuhh.de) on Dez 2018: added CCS
Model modified by Robert Flesch (flesch@xrg-simulation.de) in Feb 2021: adapted parameter interface to use limiting in firstOrders - this is the new default as it performs much better numerically