1. Purpose of model
The purpose of this model is to calculate the power of a photovoltaic (PV) module or several modules without inverter.
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
Model is based on empiric equations and PV manufacturers data. Optical losses are being consideres due to loss factors for soiling and refraction and reflexion (contained in the incidence angle modification). Degradation of the modules and inverter consumption is not included in the model.
3. Limits of validity
The model has been validated with System Advisor Model simulation results [1] for fixed PV arrays without shading influences. The results are best with Tilt angle of ~30°.
The model has not been entirely validated for sun tracking. Disabling Incidence Angle Modifications seems to improve results with tracking enabled.
4. Interfaces
DNI_in for direct normal irradiation
DHI_in for diffuse horizontal irradiation
T_in for ambient temperature
WindSpeed_in for wind speed
epp for connection to a grid containing frequency and power
5. Nomenclature
See parameter and variable descriptions in the code.
6. Governing Equations
6.1. Plane of Array (POA) Irradiation
The POA irradiation is being calculated in IrradianceOnATiltedSurface model.
6.2. Module Temperature
The module temperature T_module is estimated following [2]:
T_module = 273.15 + T_in + POA_Irradiation * (exp(-3.47 - 0.0594 * WindSpeed_in))
6.3. Direct Current Power output P_dc
P_dc is calculated by:
P_dc = PowerCurve_PV_Irradiation.y[1] * PowerCurve_PV_Temp.y[1] / Pmpp * (100 - LossesDC) / 100 * P_inst / Pmpp
PowerCurve_PV_Irradiation.y[1] is the Maximum Power Point (MPP) power at the current Irradiation at reference temperature of the simulated module. PowerCurve_PV_Temp.y[1] is the MPP power at the current temperature at reference irradiation of the simulated module. Pmpp is the MPP power at reference conditions of the simulated module. LossesDC are the losses in % through Connections, Wiring, Tracking Error and Mismatches. P_inst is the cumulated installed power.
7. Remarks for Usage
For the calculation of the output power, manufacturer datasheets are to be digitalized, e.g. with http://arohatgi.info/WebPlotDigitizer/. This is an example for a Sanyo HIT 200BA module [2]. Digitalize the following figures:
After digitalization, calculate the MPP power of each curve and write those to a record as shown in TransiEnt.Producer.Electrical.Photovoltaics.Advanced_PV.Characteristics. For the above shown curves the record is:
record PVModule_Characteristics_Sanyo_HIT_200_BA3
extends Generic_Characteristics_PVModule(
MPP_dependency_on_Temp_fixedIrradiation=[ 0,214.3545548; 25,200.8472531; 50,187.3094253; 75,173.1095017], MPP_dependency_on_irradiation_fixedTemperature=[ 0,0; 200,37.69290789; 400,77.36493756; 600,117.7097234; 800,159.0501238; 1000,201.294124]);
annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false)), Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false)));
end PVModule_Characteristics_Sanyo_HIT_200_BA3;
Hereby the firste table (MPP_dependency_on_Temp_fixedIrradiation) gives the MPP power (second column) for fixed irradiation and different temperatures (first column) and the second table (MPP_dependency_on_irradiation_fixedTemperature) gives the MPP power (second column) for fixed temperature and different irradiation (first column).
8. Validation
The model has been validated with System Advisor Model simulation results [1] for bigger fixed PV arrays without shading influences.
IWEC or TMY data was used in Hamburg, Munich and Miami.
9. References
[1] https://sam.nrel.gov/ [2] http://store.affordable-solar.com/site/doc/Doc_sanyo_specs_20061106173925.pdf
10. Version History
Advanced_PV by Oliver Schülting and Ricardo Peniche, Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Energietechnik, 2015 Revision by Tobias Becke, Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Energietechnik, 2016
Model modified by Julian Urbansky, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, in August 2021.
Name | Description |
choose sky model |