1. Purpose of model
(no remarks)
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
(no remarks)
3. Limits of validity
(no remarks)
4. Interfaces
Electrical power port can be chosen
5. Nomenclature
(no elements)
6. Governing Equations
(no equations)
7. Remarks for Usage
This model is based on the model WindTurbine_L0. A nominal power for a wind park can be entered such that the output power is scaled up as followed:
= Output power of wind park
=Output power of single wind turbine
=Nominal Power of wind park
=Nominal Power of wind turbine
Wind velocity in hub height can be calculated from velocity data and height of the measurement [1]:
=wind velocity at high H (hub height)
=wind veleocity at high of data
=height of hub
=reference height of data
=Roughness lenght
The roughness length takes into account the different surface roughnesses. Wind velocity over flat surfaces (e.g. water) increases faster with the height than over rough surfaces (e.g. cities).
Different roughness lengths are [1]:
The Power (epp.P) ist calculated via a specific power curve. The parameter for this curve are taken from a table in a record. Some characteristic power curves from different manufactures are given. If one wants to use a power curve from another wind turbines the values can be entered oneselfs. Therefore in the parameters section in the subsection PowerCurveChar the different output power values for different wind velocities need to be entered.
8. Validation
(no remarks)
9. References
[1] Hau, Erich: Wind Turbines : Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 - ISBN: 978-3-642-27150-2
10. Version History
Model generalized for different electrical power ports by Jan-Peter Heckel (jan.heckel@tuhh.de) in July 2018