

1. Purpose of model

This function calculates the inhibition coefficients for the adm1 model. It considers inhibtion due to an unfavorable pH-value, an excessive concentration of hydrogen or ammonia and an insufficient nitrogen concentration.

2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight


3. Limits of validity


4. Interfaces


5. Nomenclature

(no elements)

6. Governing Equations

(no equations)

7. Remarks for Usage


8. Validation

(no validation or testing necessary)

9. References


10. Version History

Model created by Philipp Jahneke (philipp.koziol@tuhh.de), August 2018


function ADM1_Inhibition_manureBulkowska
  extends TransiEnt.Basics.Icons.Function;
  input Real pH "pH-Value";
  input Modelica.Units.SI.Concentration S_IN "Concentration of Inorganic Nitrogen";
  input TransiEnt.Producer.Gas.BiogasPlant.Base.ADM1.ADM1_Units.ConcentrationCOD S_h2 "Concentration of Hydrogen in solution";
  input Modelica.Units.SI.Concentration NH3 "Concentration of free Ammonia in solution";
  input String operationMode "mesophilic or thermophilic conditions";
  output Real[7] I "Inhibition Coefficients";
  replaceable Records.ADM1_parameters_manure_bulkowska parameters annotation(
    Placement(transformation(extent = {{-8, -8}, {12, 12}})));
  final parameter ADM1_Units.ConcentrationCOD K_I_H2_c4 = if operationMode == "thermophilic" then parameters.K_I_H2_c4_therm else parameters.K_I_H2_c4_meso "Inhibition Constant due to high Hydrogen Concentration affecting Valerate and Butyrate Degraders";
  final parameter ADM1_Units.ConcentrationCOD K_I_H2_pro = if operationMode == "thermophilic" then parameters.K_I_H2_pro_therm else parameters.K_I_H2_pro_meso "Inhibition Constant due to high Hydrogen Concentration affecting Propionate Degraders";
  final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Concentration K_I_NH3 = if operationMode == "thermophilic" then parameters.K_I_NH3_therm else parameters.K_I_NH3_meso "Inhibition Constant due to high Ammonia Concentration affecting Acetate Degraders";
end ADM1_Inhibition_manureBulkowska;

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