This is a model of linear heat convection, e.g., the heat transfer between a plate and the surrounding air; see also: ConvectiveResistor. It may be used for complicated solid geometries and fluid flow over the solid by determining the convective thermal conductance Gc by measurements.
HeatPort_a: heat_solid
HeatPort_b: heat_fluid
(no elements)
The basic constitutive equation for convection is
Q_flow = A * alpha *(solid.T - fluid.T);
Q_flow: Heat flow rate from connector 'solid' (e.g., a plate)
to connector 'fluid' (e.g., the surrounding air)
A: Convection area (e.g., perimeter*length of a box)
alpha: Heat transfer coefficient
where the heat transfer coefficient alpha is calculated from properties of the fluid flowing over the solid. Examples:
Heat transfer by Free convection: External Flows (acording to W.Kast, et al.: VDI Heat Atlas, 2nd english edition, Springerl, 2010, p.667):
alpha = Nu*lamda/l;
Nu = f(Ra, Pr, Geometry)
alpha : Heat transfer coefficient
Nu : = alpha*l/lambda (Nusselt number)
Ra : = g*l^3*beta*dT (Rayleigh number)
Pr : = cp*eta/lambda (Prandtl number)
g : = Accelaration of gravity
l : characteristic length
height: height (characteristic lenght of vertical cylinder)
D : diameter of cylinder
rho : density of fluid (material constant)
eta : dynamic viscosity of fluid (material constant)
cp : specific heat capacity of fluid (material constant)
lambda : thermal conductivity of fluid (material constant)
(no validation or testing necessary)
[1] W.Kast, et al.: VDI Heat Atlas, 2nd english edition, Springerl, 2010, p.667
Model created by Philipp Jahneke (, August 2018