This is a controller to control for a system with storage the electric power of the electrolyzer, the three way valve and outlet valve of the storage. it combines the FeedInStorageTWVController, FeedInStorageController and OverloadController.
see sub models
see sub models
P_el_set: input for the set value for the electric power
m_flow_feedIn: input for the possible feed-in mass flow into the natural grid etc.
m_flow_ely: input for the mass flow coming from the electrolyzer
p_storage: input for the storage pressure
P_el_ely: output for the limited electric power for the electrolyzer
splitRatio: output for the split ratio of the three way valve
m_flowDes_valve: output for the mass flow through the valve after the storage
(no elements)
The desired mass flow through valve after the storage is simply the difference between feed-in mass flow and bypass mass flow.
(no remarks)
(no remarks)
(no remarks)
Model created by Carsten Bode ( in April 2016
Name | Description |
Calculate the efficiency |