This is a model for an electrolyzer with a replaceable efficiency curve and replaceable dynamic behavior.
The efficiency curve, the dynamic behaviour and the wanted input (electric power or hydrogen mass flow) can be chosen. The water consumption is calculated using a constant factor.
(no remarks)
epp: electric power port, type can be chosen
gasPortOut: hydrogen outlet
P_el_set: input for electric power
m_flow_H2_set: input for hydrogen mass flow
(no elements)
The hydrogen mass flow or the electric power is calculated depending on the given input and chosen efficiency curve and dynamic behavior.
Heat outcoupling is calculated via the efficiency curve and a simplified correlation for heat losses depending on the electrical power, the operating temperature and the ambient temperature. The default value for the temperature coefficient is based on [1].
Via parameter 'useLeakageMassFlow' a small mass flow of 'm_flow_small' is always flowing out of gas port (to avoid Zero-Mass-Flow problems).
The model works with any fluids which contain hydrogen as the last component.
Tested in the check models "TransiEnt.Producer.Gas.Electrolyzer.Check.TestPEMElectrolyzer_L1_Charline" and "TransiEnt.Producer.Gas.Electrolyzer.Check.TestPEMElectrolyzer_L1_Dynamics"
[1] Espinosa-López, M. et al., Modelling and experimental validation of a 46 kW PEM high pressure water electrolyzer, 2018
Model created by Carsten Bode ( in March 2017
Model generalized for different electrical power ports by Jan-Peter Heckel ( in July 2018
Model modified by Oliver Schülting ( on Nov 2018: added useLeakageMassFlow
Model modified by Oliver Schülting ( on Nov 2019: added simplified heat model to simulate thermal losses heat outcoupling
Model adjusted for base class by Jan Westphal ( in dec 2019
Name | Description |
Dynamic behavior of electrolyser | |
Calculate the efficiency |