Base class for simple heat pump models that produce a given heat flow via fluid ports and use a charline.
Changing ambient temperature can be considered as well as varying COP depending on the temperature difference between waterPortOut and source. The charline is linearly scalable with COP_n and Q_flow_n is used for the cost calculation. Different heat flow boundaries, in which the heat flow is transfered to the water, can
be chosen.
(Purely technical component without physical modeling.)
Q_flow_set: set value for the heat flow
T_source_input_K: source temperature (ambient temperature) in K
waterPortIn: inlet port for heating water
waterPortOut: outlet port for heating water
H_flow: needed gas enthalpy flow
gasIn: gas port
(no elements)
Temperature difference for charline = waterPortOut temperature - source temperature
COP=COP_n*1/1.37726*(4e-5*DeltaT^2-0.0111*DeltaT+1.7) [1]
(no validation or testing necessary)
[1] A. Palzer, Sektorübergreifende Modellierung und Optimierung eines zukünftigen deutschen Energiesystems unter Berücksichtigung von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen im Gebäudesektor. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2016.
Model created by Carsten Bode (, Feb 2018
Model modified by Jan Westphal (, Jul 2019 (added boolean for using heat port insead of fluid ports)