1. Purpose of model
Model of a gas boiler using TransiEnt interfaces and TransiEnt.Statistics. Gas Consumption is computed using a constant efficiency and constant heat of combustion.
Other fuels can be used by changeing the calorific value of the fuel as well as the type of energy carrier for the model statistics.
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
(Purely technical component without physical modeling.)
3. Limits of validity
(Purely technical component without physical modeling.)
4. Interfaces
Basics.Interfaces.Thermal.FluidPort In/Out - heat carrier ports (e.g. water) or Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput Q_flow_set - setpoint for thermal heat
Basics.Interfaces.Gas.RealGasPortIn - combustion gas inlet
5. Nomenclature
(no elements)
6. Governing Equations
H_flow_gas_demand * eta = -Q_flow_set
Q_flow_gen = inlet.m_flow * (outlet.h_outflow - inStream(inlet.h_outflow))
7. Remarks for Usage
(no remarks)
8. Validation
(no remarks)
9. References
(no remarks)
10. Version History
Model created by Pascal Dubucq (dubucq@tuhh.de) on 01.10.2014
Modified by Lisa Andresen (andresen@tuhh.de), Jan 2017
Modified by Emil Dierkes (Fraunhofer UMSICHT), June 2021
Modified by Anne Hagemeier (Fraunhofer UMSICHT), June 2021
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