Typically the maximum power limits of storages (both while loading and unloading) depends on the SOC.
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SOC: RealInput- SOC: state of charge
P_max_load_star: output for electric power in [W]
P_max_unload_star: output for electric power in [W]
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[1] Arne Dörschlag, "Erbringung von Primärregelleistung durch Kleinbatteriespeicher im Poolverbund unter Berücksichtigung solarer Eigenstromoptimierung", M.S. thesis, Institute of Electric Power Systems and Automation, Hamburg of Technical University, Sep. 2014
Model created by Pascal Dubucq (dubucq@tuhh.de) on 01.10.2014
Quality check (Code conventions) by Rebekka Denninger on 01.10.2016