

These records contain definitions of a system type and parametrization for each region 


 ElectricalStorageInstancesRecordDefine one row per region nElectricalStorages: number of electrical storage types present, 0 or more electricalStorageType: types of storage in region [nElectricalStorages] electricalStorageRecord: parametrization records for storages in region [nElectricalStorages]
 GasStorageInstancesRecordDefine one row per region nGasStorages: number of gas storage types present, 0 or 1 gasStorageType: type of storage in region gasStorageRecord: parametrization record for storage in region
 PowerPlantInstancesRecordDefine one row per region nPowerPlants: number of powerplant types present, 1 or more powerPlantType: types of powerplants in region [nPowerPlants] powerPlantRecord: parametrization records for powerplants in region [nPowerPlants]
 LocalDemandInstancesRecordDefine one row per region localDemandRecord: parametrization record for local demand in region
 LocalRenewableProductionInstancesRecordDefine one row per region localRenewableProductionRecord: parametrization record for local renewable production in region
 CO2SystemInstancesRecordDefine one row per region CO2SystemRecord: parametrization record for CO2 system in region
 PowerToGasInstancesRecordDefine one row per region nPowerToGasPlants: number of PtGplant types present, 0 or more powerToGasType: types of PtGplants in region [nPowerToGasPlants] powerToGasRecord: parametrization records for PtGplants in region [nPowerToGasPlants]
 HeatingGridSystemStorageInstancesRecordDefine one row per region nHeatingGrid: number of heating grids in region heatingGridSystemStorageRecord: parametrization record for heating grid in region

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