


The superstructure construct is designed to introduce capabilities into the TransiEnt Library, such as power and gas grid analysis, load balancing, controller design, and resilience against failures.

Therefore, the superstructure component provides a representation of a certain region in terms of consumption and production of power and gas. This representation is comprised of multiple elements that connect with the central electric and gas ports and either consume or generate gas or electrical power. Superstructures are to be used as arrays enclosed in superstructure portfolio masks for maximum utilization (see below).

Each superstructure simulation scenario requires alongside the superstructure array:

These are designed to be exchangeable, depending on the user's application case. An example can be found here.

A particular focus in the developement has been laid onto the possibility of parameter sweeps and parametrization from outside of Dymola. There are three different ways to create superstructure arrays and simulate different parameterizations:

  1. Manually through the parameter interface
  2. Through Dymola interface: Python, XRG Score,...
  3. With external data sources loaded in record ExternalDataImport (.mat matrices,...)

Portofolios of technology definition

The single elements of each superstructure (local demand, power plants,...) are meant to be redefinable for each user's indivdual purpose. Therefore technology portfolios are introduced. A new portfolio is encouraged for each application case and allows an individual composition and definition of technologies.

For example:

A new portfolio can simply be created by copying the example portfolio and then adjusting the elements inside.

Superstructure elements/Technology components

In general, each type instance of an element in the superstructure represents the sum of all capacities of this type in the region, e.g. avaliable accumulated power of CCGT powerplants . Some technologies allow multiple types in parallel, e.g. electrical storages: lithium ion and lead acid batteries. At least one power plant type needs to be present in each region, more types may be defined in parallel.

Following technologies are optional and may be included:

Timetables are included for:

All of these elements are defined in the portfolio and can be adjusted to fit the user's application. Alongside them, an enumeration of their possible types has to be defined and maintained to allow manual selection in the user interface. Each portfolio also includes records for each element to store parameters. These records are designed to be adjustable manually or by externally. The number of component types will always be a structural parameter.

Ports for electrical and gas grids

The boundary conditions of each superstructure are the epp and gas ports. They represent grid nodes and should be connected to an electrical and a gas grid model.


Inputs and outputs of the superstructure can be used for central or decentral control of the power grid using a controller like this.


Failures in a powerplant or another component in the region at a certain time may be simulated using the failure tables. This Feature is still in developement and currently disabled

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