Name | Description |
deni | ASM3 denitrification tank |
nitri | ASM3 nitrification tank |
SecClarModTakacs | ASM3 Secondary Clarifier Model based on Takacs |
blower | Blower for the aeration of the nitrification tanks |
pump | ASM3 wastewater pump |
FlowSource | Flowsource |
WWSource | Wastewater source |
EffluentSink | Receiving water (river) |
SludgeSink | Wastesludge sink |
ControlledDivider2 | Controlled flow divider |
divider2 | Flowdivider |
mixer2 | Mixer of two ASM3 characterised flows |
mixer3 | Mixer of 3 ASM3 characterised flows |
sensor_COD | Ideal sensor to measure chemical oxygen demand (COD) |
sensor_NH | Ideal sensor to measure ammonium nitrogen |
sensor_NO | Ideal sensor to measure nitrate nitrogen |
sensor_O2 | Ideal sensor to measure dissolved oxygen concentration |
sensor_Q | Ideal sensor to measure the flow rate of an ASM1 wastewater stream |
sensor_TKN | Ideal TKN and total nitrogen sensor |
sensor_TSS | Ideal sensor to measure total suspended solids concentration (ASM3) |
Examples | Demonstration examples of the components of the ASM3 library |
Interfaces | Connectors and partial ASM3 model for Wastewater Treatment Modelling |
PreClar | Primary clarifier modelling based on ASM3 |
SecClar | Library for secondary settling tank modelling based on ASM3 |