January 2006 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
x05andfe 2006-01-30 18:13 Rev.: 2055

updated WinMosh to OMS and made some small changes...
// Anders Fernstr?m

66 lines of code changed in 30 files:

adrpo 2006-01-28 13:07 Rev.: 2054

Adrian Pop, 2006-01-28
- mingw compilation issues fixes
- cygwin/msvc still work

867 lines of code changed in 12 files:

adrpo 2006-01-28 13:04 Rev.: 2053

Adrian Pop, 2006-01-28
- fixes the compilation with mingw
- cygwin/msvc still works normally

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

adrpo 2006-01-28 13:02 Rev.: 2052

Adrian Pop, 2006-01-28
- fixes the compilation of libruntime on MINGW32
- now it compiles using mingw make

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

adrpo 2006-01-28 07:09 Rev.: 2051

2006-01-28 - Adrian Pop, adrpo@ida.liu.se
- added trunk/c_runtime/libf2c/makefile.mingw
- the trunk/c_rutime/Makefile can call mingw32-make -u makefile.mingw in the libf2c
directory in order to compile libf2c.a using msys+mingw

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

petar 2006-01-27 12:30 Rev.: 2050

Fixed bug instantiating Gear. Inherited elements where looked up from current env which could be encapsulated. Instead it should be looked up from top scope since baseclass annotation already was fully qualified.

77 lines of code changed in 4 files:

x02lucpo 2006-01-26 17:38 Rev.: 2048

removed a error in nestled DIVISION macros

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

petar 2006-01-26 17:05 Rev.: 2047

Implemented getClassInformation(classname) => {restriction, comment, sourcefile}

489 lines of code changed in 3 files:

petar 2006-01-24 14:30 Rev.: 2046

Removed luc_pop last checkin since he removed a lot of my stuff from previous version. Also fixed bug with Gear model.

261 lines of code changed in 11 files:

adrpo 2006-01-24 03:06 Rev.: 2045

2006-01-24 adrpo@ida
- changes to comments only
- moved comments arround so they apper in the generated .mo files

363 lines of code changed in 3 files:

davbr 2006-01-23 19:36 Rev.: 2044

Updated the help text, so that no line consist of more than 80 characters.

88 lines of code changed in 1 file:

x02lucpo 2006-01-19 17:08 Rev.: 2043

removed an error from getDiagramAnnotation and getConnectionCount on derived classes

44 lines of code changed in 2 files:

x02lucpo 2006-01-19 13:55 Rev.: 2042

made the inst_element_list to continue even if inst_element failed.

86 lines of code changed in 3 files:

petar 2006-01-19 10:54 Rev.: 2041

Fixed bug with bindings not getting automatic type converts in make_binding.

107 lines of code changed in 8 files:

petar 2006-01-18 14:46 Rev.: 2040

Fixed bug with setComponentModifierValue.
fixed bug with instantiating partial classes in inst_class_basictype.

48 lines of code changed in 5 files:

x02lucpo 2006-01-18 11:14 Rev.: 2039

changed the generated code so that now it have instead of x[1] $a$pointb$pointd. (a.b.d)
corrected a bug in System.string_replace

1794 lines of code changed in 9 files:

petar 2006-01-18 10:32 Rev.: 2038

Added symbolic simplification of matrix and vector operations (addition, multiplication, etc) in Exp.simplify
Added symbolic simpl. in elab_builtin_diagonal
Added elab_builtin_scalar.

3371 lines of code changed in 76 files:

adrpo 2006-01-16 02:26 Rev.: 2037

2006-01-16 - adrpo@ida.liu.se
- refactorings of .rml files to make translation easier
+ comment handling
+ types
+ imports

2391 lines of code changed in 8 files:

petar 2006-01-10 14:29 Rev.: 2035

Implemented connectors extending from basictypes (Modelica v2.2)
for instance
connector RealInput2
extends Real[2];
end RealInput2;

Used in new blocks library.

764 lines of code changed in 20 files:

x02lucpo 2006-01-10 10:23 Rev.: 2034

changed void to int in checkForDiscreteVarChanges(double *t);
changed the position of using namespace std; in simulation_runtime.h
made global relation c_add_cleanups : (CFunction, CleanupStatement list) => CFunction
corrected the generation of code and added return statetements to all c-functions

44 lines of code changed in 4 files:

x05andfe 2006-01-09 14:49 Rev.: 2033

added my testfiles in the wrong folder before, readded them and also added the testfiles to the makefile.

// Anders Fernstr?m

860 lines of code changed in 24 files:

December 2005 »

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