Directory OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI/Resources/toolbarIcons/

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Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI/Resources/toolbarIcons/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 57 (100.0%) 94 (100.0%) 1.6
adeas31 2 (3.5%) 60 (63.8%) 30.0 27 (47.4%) 17 (18.1%) 0.6
hudson 28 (49.1%) 17 (18.1%) 0.6

Most Recent Commits 2015-05-02 14:54 Rev.: 25874

Lock OMNotebook/OMPlot/OMShell for edits since they are being moved to the git repositories

17 lines of code changed in 17 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI/Resources/toolbarIcons: apply.png (+1), editcopy.png (+1), editcut.png (+1), editimage.png (+1), editpaste.png (+1), exit.png (+1), filenew.png (+1), fileopen.png (+1), fileprint.png (+1), filesave.png (+1), find.png (+1), image.png (+1), redo.png (+1), sketch.png (+1), text_right.png (+1), text_under.png (+1), undo.png (+1)
hudson 2013-04-30 14:51 Rev.: 15938

[Janitor mode] Set auto-props

17 lines of code changed in 28 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI/Resources/toolbarIcons: apply.png (+1 -1), editcopy.png (new), editcut.png (+1 -1), editimage.png (+1 -1), editpaste.png (new), exit.png (+1 -1), filenew.png (+1 -1), fileopen.png (+1 -1), fileprint.png (+1 -1), filesave.png (+1 -1), find.png (+1 -1), image.png (+1 -1), redo.png (new), sketch.png (+1 -1), text_right.png (new), text_under.png (+1 -1), undo.png (new) 2013-03-02 14:09 Rev.: 15437

Ran PNGOUT to optimize png filesizes in order to reduce trunk and installation sizes

0 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI/Resources/toolbarIcons: editimage.png (changed), exit.png (changed), fileopen.png (changed), filesave.png (changed), image.png (changed), sketch.png (changed)
adeas31 2011-12-19 21:54 Rev.: 10787

- Added the missing OMSketch images.

60 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • OMNotebook/OMNotebookGUI/Resources/toolbarIcons: editimage.png (new 27), sketch.png (new 33)
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