Directory OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons/

Directory Created:
2011-03-18 14:18
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 96 (100.0%) 538 (100.0%) 5.6
hubert.thieriot 36 (37.5%) 498 (92.6%) 13.8 40 (41.7%) 20 (3.7%) 0.5
hudson 20 (20.8%) 20 (3.7%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits 2015-04-27 17:41 Rev.: 25767

Prevent commits to OMOptim since the repository is being moved to

20 lines of code changed in 20 files:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Add.png (+1), Delete.png (+1), Folder.png (+1), Globe.png (+1), Play.png (+1), Refresh.png (+1), Save.png (+1), Search.png (+1), Settings.png (+1), Synchronize.png (+1), Undo.png (+1), block-icon.png (+1), class-icon.png (+1), connector-icon.png (+1), exe-icon.png (+1), info-icon.png (+1), model-icon.png (+1), package-icon.png (+1), record-icon.png (+1), type-icon.png (+1)
hudson 2013-04-30 14:51 Rev.: 15938

[Janitor mode] Set auto-props

20 lines of code changed in 20 files:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Add.png (+1 -1), Delete.png (+1 -1), Folder.png (+1 -1), Globe.png (+1 -1), Play.png (+1 -1), Refresh.png (+1 -1), Save.png (+1 -1), Search.png (+1 -1), Settings.png (+1 -1), Synchronize.png (+1 -1), Undo.png (+1 -1), block-icon.png (+1 -1), class-icon.png (+1 -1), connector-icon.png (+1 -1), exe-icon.png (+1 -1), info-icon.png (+1 -1), model-icon.png (+1 -1), package-icon.png (+1 -1), record-icon.png (+1 -1), type-icon.png (+1 -1) 2013-03-02 14:09 Rev.: 15437

Ran PNGOUT to optimize png filesizes in order to reduce trunk and installation sizes

0 lines of code changed in 20 files:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Add.png (changed), Delete.png (changed), Folder.png (changed), Globe.png (changed), Play.png (changed), Refresh.png (changed), Save.png (changed), Search.png (changed), Settings.png (changed), Synchronize.png (changed), Undo.png (changed), block-icon.png (changed), class-icon.png (changed), connector-icon.png (changed), exe-icon.png (changed), info-icon.png (changed), model-icon.png (changed), package-icon.png (changed), record-icon.png (changed), type-icon.png (changed)
hubert.thieriot 2012-08-21 16:58 Rev.: 12619

- added blackbox managment (optimization using executable only)
- first developer documentation

207 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: exe-icon.png (new 207)
hubert.thieriot 2012-08-02 11:32 Rev.: 12401

- corrected paths due to OMOptimBasis move

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Thumbs.db (del)
hubert.thieriot 2012-01-23 19:13 Rev.: 10945

- open .mo file and auto-reload proposition
- reload in omc function updated

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Thumbs.db (changed)
hubert.thieriot 2012-01-03 20:07 Rev.: 10855

- made infosender a singleton working with plugin
- improved modclasstree

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Thumbs.db (changed)
hubert.thieriot 2011-10-18 13:42 Rev.: 10144

- merged with Hubert's branch :
- mainly concerns stability, Energy integration (not included by default), and GUI

34 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: block-icon.png (new 4), class-icon.png (new 5), connector-icon.png (new 5), info-icon.png (new 4), model-icon.png (new 4), package-icon.png (new 3), record-icon.png (new 4), type-icon.png (new 5)
hubert.thieriot 2011-05-27 17:41 Rev.: 9147

- merged with Branch Hubert : many bugs corrected, gui improvments, Energy integration : first HEN .mod file

12 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Add.png (+1), Delete.png (+1), Folder.png (+1), Globe.png (+1), Play.png (+1), Refresh.png (+1), Save.png (+1), Search.png (+1), Settings.png (+1), Synchronize.png (+1), Thumbs.db (+1), Undo.png (+1)
hubert.thieriot 2011-03-18 14:18 Rev.: 8302

- fisrt commit of all needed files + binary files

245 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • OMOptim/GUI/Resources/icons: Add.png (new 10), Delete.png (new 13), Folder.png (new 24), Globe.png (new 32), Play.png (new 18), Refresh.png (new 23), Save.png (new 10), Search.png (new 26), Settings.png (new 22), Synchronize.png (new 38), Thumbs.db (new), Undo.png (new 29)
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