Directory SimulationRuntime/c/math-support/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                directory in repo test (2 files, 140 lines)

Lines of Code

SimulationRuntime/c/math-support/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 443 (100.0%) 27421 (100.0%) 61.8
wbraun 108 (24.4%) 13588 (49.6%) 125.8
lochel 148 (33.4%) 8244 (30.1%) 55.7 62 (14.0%) 2524 (9.2%) 40.7
hudson 50 (11.3%) 2380 (8.7%) 47.6
Frenkel TUD 26 (5.9%) 190 (0.7%) 7.3
cschubert 2 (0.5%) 135 (0.5%) 67.5
adrpo 12 (2.7%) 121 (0.4%) 10.0
jfrenkel 12 (2.7%) 94 (0.3%) 7.8
mwalther 9 (2.0%) 66 (0.2%) 7.3
hkiel 6 (1.4%) 54 (0.2%) 9.0
jansilar 1 (0.2%) 14 (0.1%) 14.0
perost 7 (1.6%) 11 (0.0%) 1.5

Most Recent Commits 2015-02-10 15:05 Rev.: 24503

Remove some -I flags so the headers copied from simulation runtime works without changes

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: pivot.c (+1 -1)
adrpo 2015-01-30 20:30 Rev.: 24343

- use runProcess("cmd /c command") on windows instead of system(command) so that no console window appears
- remove some f2c include directories
- enable parallel mark in windows

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+1 -3) 2015-01-30 12:23 Rev.: 24331

min/max fixes after f2c.h was removed

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: bigden.c (del) 2015-01-30 12:04 Rev.: 24329

f2c.h fixes, remove some math files from svn

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: dlamch.c (del), nelmead.c (del), newuob.c (del), trsapp.c (del)
adrpo 2014-04-10 20:18 Rev.: 20090

- fix Windows MSVC stuff in SimulationRuntime/c/math-support/CMakeLists.txt as some files vanished

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+3 -5)
wbraun 2014-04-10 13:34 Rev.: 20080

- switch non-linear solver hybrid from f2c version to cminpack version.
- fixed some issues
- removed old f2c version from math-support

0 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: dogleg.c (del), dpmpar.c (del), enorm.c (del), fdjac1.c (del), hybrd.c (del), hybrd1.c (del), hybrj.c (del), qform.c (del), qrfac.c (del), r1mpyq.c (del), r1updt.c (del) 2014-04-06 08:18 Rev.: 20007

Remove dlinpk.c since the nightly builds complain about duplicate symbols

1 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+1 -1), dlinpk.c (del)
adrpo 2014-04-05 14:05 Rev.: 20004

- remove removed files from CMakeLists.txt

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+1 -1) 2014-04-05 09:28 Rev.: 20002

Make sure we use the new dassl by not linking in the old files (removed from svn to make sure)

0 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: daux.c (del), ddasrt.c (del), ddassl.c (del) 2013-11-30 21:33 Rev.: 18357

- Added option to the simulation runtime: +logFormat=[text|xml]
- The XML-based format will make it possible to read most messages into OMEdit in a structured way. Some messages may need to be collapsed into a single call in order to treat it as a single call
- The macros INDENT() and RELEASE() have been removed as they are specific to the text-based output. The message functions now take more arguments instead.

49 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: ddassl.c (+49 -55) 2013-11-29 17:19 Rev.: 18352

Changed the log functions from macros to vararg functions (since vararg macros do not work very well and the current approach is not maintainable)

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: ddassl.c (+12 -12)
wbraun 2013-11-25 19:34 Rev.: 18293

- fixed memory leak in LOG_JAC output

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: ddassl.c (+2 -2) 2013-11-23 20:44 Rev.: 18260

- The interface to generated code is now in a struct callback, to avoid conflicting names when we load dynamic libraries (FMU's)
- Fixed lots of clang warnings

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: ddassl.c (+2 -2)
adrpo 2013-11-14 20:27 Rev.: 18144

- fix Windows build: use malloc/free instead of stack allocation for buffer and put the buffer definition at the beginning of the block (ansi-c)

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: ddassl.c (+10 -6)
lochel 2013-11-14 15:30 Rev.: 18135

- make dassl debug-output readable

68 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: ddassl.c (+68 -41)
mwalther 2013-08-14 09:13 Rev.: 16793

- added a mapping between simCodeEquations and BackendDae.StrongComponents to the createSimCode-method
- fixed a bug in TaskGraphResultCmp.cpp -> the xml-file will now be read at once
- enhanced code-generation for hpcom is now part of the c-susan-template
- modified some nonlinearsolver-f2c-code -> i just removed some static keywords to be able to calculate more than one nonlinear system in parallel
- modified some nonlinearsolver-c-code -> i changed some function-headers, to remove the simulationInfo.currentNonlinearSystemIndex-dependency between different calculations
- improved the hpcom-Benchmark

66 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: dogleg.c (+4 -4), dpmpar.c (+1 -1), enorm.c (+6 -6), hybrd.c (+15 -15), hybrj.c (+21 -21), qform.c (+3 -3), qrfac.c (+10 -10), r1mpyq.c (+2 -2), r1updt.c (+4 -4)
lochel 2013-06-07 12:28 Rev.: 16243

- fix some comments
- change type signature for check_*_solutions [* is an element of {nonlinear,linear,mixed}]

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: pivot.c (+4 -4) 2013-05-02 21:17 Rev.: 15963

Revert r15962 (accidently replaced 8 spaces with 2 spaces; was supposed to be 1 tab to 2 spaces but text editors messed up the command)
Contact me if you have problems merging your working copy

2353 lines of code changed in 22 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: bigden.c (+10 -10), daux.c (+22 -22), ddasrt.c (+585 -585), ddassl.c (+929 -929), dlamch.c (+137 -137), dlinpk.c (+191 -191), dogleg.c (+7 -7), dpmpar.c (+6 -6), enorm.c (+3 -3), fdjac1.c (+38 -38), hybrd.c (+120 -120), hybrd1.c (+33 -33), hybrj.c (+102 -102), lsame.c (+7 -7), nelmead.c (+50 -50), newuob.c (+25 -25), pivot.c (+14 -14), qform.c (+5 -5), qrfac.c (+27 -27), r1mpyq.c (+12 -12), r1updt.c (+26 -26), update.c (+4 -4)
hudson 2013-05-02 20:46 Rev.: 15962

[Janitor mode] Fix tabs

2353 lines of code changed in 22 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: bigden.c (+10 -10), daux.c (+22 -22), ddasrt.c (+585 -585), ddassl.c (+929 -929), dlamch.c (+137 -137), dlinpk.c (+191 -191), dogleg.c (+7 -7), dpmpar.c (+6 -6), enorm.c (+3 -3), fdjac1.c (+38 -38), hybrd.c (+120 -120), hybrd1.c (+33 -33), hybrj.c (+102 -102), lsame.c (+7 -7), nelmead.c (+50 -50), newuob.c (+25 -25), pivot.c (+14 -14), qform.c (+5 -5), qrfac.c (+27 -27), r1mpyq.c (+12 -12), r1updt.c (+26 -26), update.c (+4 -4)
hudson 2013-04-30 14:51 Rev.: 15938

[Janitor mode] Set auto-props

27 lines of code changed in 28 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+1), bigden.c (+1 -1), biglag.c (+1 -1), blaswrap.h (new), daux.c (+1 -1), ddasrt.c (+1 -1), ddassl.c (+1 -1), dlamch.c (+1 -1), dlinpk.c (+1 -1), dogleg.c (+1 -1), dpmpar.c (+1 -1), enorm.c (+1 -1), fdjac1.c (+1 -1), hybrd.c (+1 -1), hybrd1.c (+1 -1), hybrj.c (+1 -1), lsame.c (+1 -1), nelmead.c (+1 -1), newuoa.c (+1 -1), newuob.c (+1 -1), pivot.c (+1 -1), qform.c (+1 -1), qrfac.c (+1 -1), r1mpyq.c (+1 -1), r1updt.c (+1 -1), trsapp.c (+1 -1), update.c (+1 -1) 2013-04-29 11:58 Rev.: 15926

Fix eol-style

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: pivot.c (+1) 2013-04-23 08:19 Rev.: 15885

(OpenMP) Use the memory pool of the current thread

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: hybrj.c (+6 -6) 2013-03-06 13:12 Rev.: 15486

Trim trailing whitespace

65 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+24 -24), daux.c (+2 -2), ddasrt.c (+38 -38), pivot.c (+1 -1) 2013-02-24 15:13 Rev.: 15296

Silly Windows crap

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+1 -1) 2013-02-24 14:04 Rev.: 15294

Remove dgesv_aux

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: dgesv_aux.c (del)
wbraun 2013-02-15 17:38 Rev.: 15186

- removed LOG_ENDJAC

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: ddassl.c (+2 -6)
wbraun 2013-02-14 05:42 Rev.: 15170

- get rid of matrix.h

1 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+1 -1), matrix.h (del), pivot.c (-1)
lochel 2013-02-09 14:06 Rev.: 15120

- update NLS dump
- try to stop singular models - that must be revised because of bad design
- include MathematicalAspects into test-script

78 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: matrix.h (+78 -59)
lochel 2013-02-07 14:21 Rev.: 15082

- minor changes
- fix illegal stream-disjunctions

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: matrix.h (+2 -2)
jfrenkel 2013-01-09 13:40 Rev.: 14723

- less output in case of unsolvable linear system

11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: matrix.h (+11 -9)
jfrenkel 2013-01-09 12:42 Rev.: 14721

- workaround for initialsystem to handle dynamic pivot better
ToDo: reimplement initialization of simulation runtime for symbolic initial system

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: matrix.h (+10 -2)
jfrenkel 2013-01-09 11:50 Rev.: 14719

- add missing return statement
- use minimal norm in case of 0/0

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: pivot.c (+1)
jfrenkel 2013-01-09 10:34 Rev.: 14718

- add error message for division by zero to initial equations
- use c comments
- better error message vor pivot.c

27 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: pivot.c (+27 -24)
jfrenkel 2013-01-07 17:59 Rev.: 14700

- report warning if solving of liniear system failed

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: matrix.h (+6)
jfrenkel 2012-12-22 03:12 Rev.: 14513

- fix tests
- bugfix dynamic state selection, planar pendulum works now

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: pivot.c (+1 -1)
jfrenkel 2012-12-21 19:25 Rev.: 14508

- continue dynamic state selection

17 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+1 -2), pivot.c (+16 -11)
jfrenkel 2012-12-17 18:49 Rev.: 14432

do not yet build pivot.c with cmake

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+3 -2)
adrpo 2012-12-17 18:17 Rev.: 14431

- remove tabs, replace with 2 spaces.
tabs are rather bad as editors displays them differently.

78 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: pivot.c (+78 -78)
cschubert 2012-12-17 16:41 Rev.: 14427

implemented a very simple (and presumably slow) complete pivoting procedure for rectangular matrices, to be used for the new dynamic state selection

135 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: CMakeLists.txt (+3 -1), pivot.c (new 132)
lochel 2012-12-14 17:05 Rev.: 14386

- add brief description for both flags

14 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • SimulationRuntime/c/math-support: matrix.h (+14 -14)

(104 more)

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