Directory SimulationRuntime/cpp/Include/Core/Utils/numeric/bindings/traits/

Directory Created:
2013-01-25 15:24
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Lines of Code:

                                    directory in repo detail (8 files, 542 lines)

Lines of Code

SimulationRuntime/cpp/Include/Core/Utils/numeric/bindings/traits/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 68 (100.0%) 4197 (100.0%) 61.7
niklwors 30 (44.1%) 3339 (79.6%) 111.3 30 (44.1%) 845 (20.1%) 28.1
mwalther 6 (8.8%) 11 (0.3%) 1.8
hudson 2 (2.9%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

mwalther 2014-08-27 12:13 Rev.: 22024

- removed the Include/Core - Folder from the Include-Path (this will break the CPP-Runtime on Windows with MSVC)
- moved some header-files from cpp/Core to cpp/Include/Core
- added experimental version of level-scheduler (levelfix) to HPCOM

11 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/cpp/Include/Core/Utils/numeric/bindings/traits: matrix_traits.hpp (+2 -2), sparse_traits.hpp (+2 -2), traits.hpp (+2 -2), ublas_sparse.hpp (+2 -2), ublas_vector.hpp (+1 -1), vector_traits.hpp (+2 -2)
hudson 2013-04-30 14:51 Rev.: 15938

[Janitor mode] Set auto-props

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/cpp/Include/Core/Utils/numeric/bindings/traits: fortran.h (+1), type.h (+1) 2013-03-06 13:12 Rev.: 15486

Trim trailing whitespace

845 lines of code changed in 30 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/cpp/Include/Core/Utils/numeric/bindings/traits: algorithm.hpp (+2 -2), boost_array.hpp (+6 -6), c_array.hpp (+16 -16), c_array2.hpp (+19 -19), config.hpp (+8 -8), dense_traits.hpp (+11 -11), fortran.h (+4 -4), matrix_raw.hpp (+53 -53), matrix_traits.hpp (+46 -46), sparse_traits.hpp (+37 -37), std_valarray.hpp (+20 -20), std_valarray2.hpp (+22 -22), std_vector.hpp (+8 -8), std_vector2.hpp (+19 -19), symm_herm_raw.hpp (+33 -33), tnt.hpp (+52 -52), traits.hpp (+3 -3), transpose.hpp (+3 -3), type.h (+4 -4), type.hpp (+3 -3), type_traits.hpp (+23 -23), ublas_banded.hpp (+25 -25), ublas_hermitian.hpp (+31 -31), ublas_matrix.hpp (+144 -144), ublas_sparse.hpp (+51 -51), ublas_symmetric.hpp (+30 -30), ublas_vector.hpp (+46 -46), ublas_vector2.hpp (+64 -64), vector_raw.hpp (+36 -36), vector_traits.hpp (+26 -26)
niklwors 2013-01-25 15:24 Rev.: 14939

Reorganized cpp runtime folders. Simplified solver interface methods. Removed unused functions. Renamed interfaces

3339 lines of code changed in 30 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/cpp/Include/Core/Utils/numeric/bindings/traits: algorithm.hpp (new 29), boost_array.hpp (new 30), c_array.hpp (new 53), c_array2.hpp (new 66), config.hpp (new 52), dense_traits.hpp (new 42), fortran.h (new 38), matrix_raw.hpp (new 372), matrix_traits.hpp (new 162), sparse_traits.hpp (new 129), std_valarray.hpp (new 62), std_valarray2.hpp (new 70), std_vector.hpp (new 47), std_vector2.hpp (new 61), symm_herm_raw.hpp (new 171), tnt.hpp (new 134), traits.hpp (new 20), transpose.hpp (new 20), type.h (new 43), type.hpp (new 31), type_traits.hpp (new 61), ublas_banded.hpp (new 95), ublas_hermitian.hpp (new 128), ublas_matrix.hpp (new 446), ublas_sparse.hpp (new 151), ublas_symmetric.hpp (new 106), ublas_vector.hpp (new 176), ublas_vector2.hpp (new 174), vector_raw.hpp (new 276), vector_traits.hpp (new 94)
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