Directory SimulationRuntime/cpp/Source/3rdParty/boost_1_45_0/boost/serialization/

Directory Created:
2011-02-08 16:16
Directory Deleted:
2013-01-25 15:24
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                                Folder removed from repo detail (0 files, 0 lines)


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
niklwors 124 (100.0%) 0 (-) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

niklwors 2013-01-25 15:24 Rev.: 14939

Reorganized cpp runtime folders. Simplified solver interface methods. Removed unused functions. Renamed interfaces

0 lines of code changed in 62 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/cpp/Source/3rdParty/boost_1_45_0/boost/serialization: access.hpp (del), array.hpp (del), assume_abstract.hpp (del), base_object.hpp (del), binary_object.hpp (del), bitset.hpp (del), collection_size_type.hpp (del), collection_traits.hpp (del), collections_load_imp.hpp (del), collections_save_imp.hpp (del), complex.hpp (del), config.hpp (del), deque.hpp (del), ephemeral.hpp (del), export.hpp (del), extended_type_info.hpp (del), extended_type_info_no_rtti.hpp (del), extended_type_info_typeid.hpp (del), factory.hpp (del), force_include.hpp (del), hash_collections_load_imp.hpp (del), hash_collections_save_imp.hpp (del), hash_map.hpp (del), hash_set.hpp (del), is_bitwise_serializable.hpp (del), item_version_type.hpp (del), level.hpp (del), level_enum.hpp (del), list.hpp (del), map.hpp (del), nvp.hpp (del), optional.hpp (del), pfto.hpp (del), scoped_ptr.hpp (del), serialization.hpp (del), set.hpp (del), shared_ptr.hpp (del), shared_ptr_132.hpp (del), singleton.hpp (del), slist.hpp (del), smart_cast.hpp (del), split_free.hpp (del), split_member.hpp (del), state_saver.hpp (del), static_warning.hpp (del), string.hpp (del), strong_typedef.hpp (del), throw_exception.hpp (del), tracking.hpp (del), tracking_enum.hpp (del), traits.hpp (del), type_info_implementation.hpp (del), utility.hpp (del), valarray.hpp (del), variant.hpp (del), vector.hpp (del), vector_135.hpp (del), version.hpp (del), void_cast.hpp (del), void_cast_fwd.hpp (del), weak_ptr.hpp (del), wrapper.hpp (del)
niklwors 2011-02-08 16:16 Rev.: 7883

Added cpp simulation runtime SimulationRuntime/cpp
Binaries copied to trunk/build/bin/cpp and trunk/bin/lib/omc/cpp

0 lines of code changed in 62 files:

  • SimulationRuntime/cpp/Source/3rdParty/boost_1_45_0/boost/serialization: access.hpp (new), array.hpp (new), assume_abstract.hpp (new), base_object.hpp (new), binary_object.hpp (new), bitset.hpp (new), collection_size_type.hpp (new), collection_traits.hpp (new), collections_load_imp.hpp (new), collections_save_imp.hpp (new), complex.hpp (new), config.hpp (new), deque.hpp (new), ephemeral.hpp (new), export.hpp (new), extended_type_info.hpp (new), extended_type_info_no_rtti.hpp (new), extended_type_info_typeid.hpp (new), factory.hpp (new), force_include.hpp (new), hash_collections_load_imp.hpp (new), hash_collections_save_imp.hpp (new), hash_map.hpp (new), hash_set.hpp (new), is_bitwise_serializable.hpp (new), item_version_type.hpp (new), level.hpp (new), level_enum.hpp (new), list.hpp (new), map.hpp (new), nvp.hpp (new), optional.hpp (new), pfto.hpp (new), scoped_ptr.hpp (new), serialization.hpp (new), set.hpp (new), shared_ptr.hpp (new), shared_ptr_132.hpp (new), singleton.hpp (new), slist.hpp (new), smart_cast.hpp (new), split_free.hpp (new), split_member.hpp (new), state_saver.hpp (new), static_warning.hpp (new), string.hpp (new), strong_typedef.hpp (new), throw_exception.hpp (new), tracking.hpp (new), tracking_enum.hpp (new), traits.hpp (new), type_info_implementation.hpp (new), utility.hpp (new), valarray.hpp (new), variant.hpp (new), vector.hpp (new), vector_135.hpp (new), version.hpp (new), void_cast.hpp (new), void_cast_fwd.hpp (new), weak_ptr.hpp (new), wrapper.hpp (new)
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