Directory doc/PDEInModelica/matlab/

Directory Created:
2013-07-15 17:48
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Lines of Code

doc/PDEInModelica/matlab/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
jansilar 10 (100.0%) 74 (100.0%) 7.4

Most Recent Commits

jansilar 2013-07-15 17:48 Rev.: 16598

Added documents about PDE. Started implementation of experimental PDE solver (little bit confusing location in doc dir).

74 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • doc/PDEInModelica/matlab: Dt_nc_ac.m (new 3), Dx_nlr_alr.m (new 3), Dxx_nlcr_alcr.m (new 3), F_heat.m (new 4), U_nc_ac.m (new 3), bcL_heat.m (new 3), bcR_heat.m (new 3), heatTest.m (new 35), pokus.m (new), residual.m (new 17)
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