File Sizes and File Counts

Total Files:
Average File Size:
498.2 lines
Average Revisions Per File:

File Count

Average File Size

File Types

Type Files LOC LOC per file
Totals 11410 (100.0%) 5684345 (100.0%) 498.1
*.graphml 56 (0.5%) 1938928 (34.1%) 34623.7
*.mo 3750 (32.9%) 1309451 (23.0%) 349.1
*.mos 2718 (23.8%) 824313 (14.5%) 303.2
*.xml 7 (0.1%) 331984 (5.8%) 47426.2
*.pdf 25 (0.2%) 233174 (4.1%) 9326.9
*.cpp 465 (4.1%) 202746 (3.6%) 436.0
*.doc 13 (0.1%) 129915 (2.3%) 9993.4
*.txt 195 (1.7%) 85102 (1.5%) 436.4
*.h 699 (6.1%) 81426 (1.4%) 116.4
*.tpl 31 (0.3%) 60284 (1.1%) 1944.6
Others 1965 (17.2%) 487022 (8.6%) 247.8
Non-Code Files 1486 (13.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Largest Files

File Lines of Code
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/ReferenceGraphs/HpcOm_Syn_Pipe_NElements_1000_TaskGraph.graphml 211115
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/BenchmarkSuite/Benchmarks/HpcOm_Syn_Pipe_NElements_1000_prof.xml 210169
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/ReferenceGraphs/HpcOm_Syn_Pipe_NElements_1000_TaskGraphODE.graphml 197038
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/BenchmarkSuite/Benchmarks/taskGraphHpcOm_Syn_Pipe_NElements_1000_ext_1_ext.graphml 174539
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/BenchmarkSuite/Benchmarks/taskGraphHpcOm_Syn_Pipe_NElements_1000_ext_2_ext.graphml 174539
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/BenchmarkSuite/Benchmarks/taskGraphHpcOm_Syn_Pipe_NElements_1000_ext_4_ext.graphml 174539
file in repo testsuite/flattening/libraries/3rdParty/HumMod/HumMod/ 151342
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/BenchmarkSuite/Benchmarks/HpcOm_Syn_NPendulum_50_prof.xml 121438
file in repo testsuite/simulation/libraries/msl31/Modelica.Electrical.Machines.Examples.mos 119665
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/ReferenceGraphs/Wire.Wire_500_TaskGraph.graphml 102695
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/ReferenceGraphs/HpcOm_Syn_NPendulum_50_TaskGraph.graphml 95215
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/ReferenceGraphs/Wire.Wire_500_TaskGraphODE.graphml 72110
file in repo doc/OpenModelicaUsersGuide.doc 72052
file in repo testsuite/flattening/libraries/3rdParty/HumMod/instHumModOMCTotal.mos 71914
file in repo doc/OpenModelicaMetaProgramming.pdf 67319
file in repo doc/OpenModelicaUsersGuide.pdf 62195
file in repo testsuite/openmodelica/benchmarks/ 52662
file in repo testsuite/flattening/libraries/3rdParty/HumMod/ 52661
file in repo testsuite/openmodelica/debugDumps/dumpinitialsystem.mos 48338
file in repo testsuite/simulation/modelica/hpcom/ReferenceGraphs/Fluid.BranchingDynamicPipes_TaskGraph.graphml 45211

Files With Most Revisions

File Revisions
File removed from repo Compiler/Template/ 664
file in repo Compiler/BackEnd/ 655
file in repo Compiler/Template/CodegenC.tpl 650
file in repo Compiler/Template/CodegenCpp.tpl 634
file in repo Compiler/Script/ 607
file in repo Compiler/BackEnd/ 594
file in repo Makefile.libraries 585
file in repo Compiler/FrontEnd/ 506
File removed from repo Compiler/BackEnd/ 438
File removed from repo Compiler/BackEnd/ 434
file in repo Compiler/FrontEnd/ 426
file in repo Compiler/FrontEnd/ 396
file in repo Compiler/Util/ 381
file in repo Compiler/FrontEnd/ 373
File removed from repo 369
file in repo Compiler/FrontEnd/ 352
File removed from repo Compiler/Template/ 349
File removed from repo Compiler/susan_codegen/SimCode/SimCodeC.tpl 346
file in repo Compiler/runtime/systemimpl.c 341
file in repo Makefile.common 340
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0