OpenModelica 1.7.0 without Install ================================== Last updated 2011-05-08 NOTE: OpenModelica MUST BE INSTALLED IN A PATH THAT CONTAINS NO SPACES! C:\Program Files\OpenModelica WILL NOT WORK! The zip file contains OpenModelica 1.7.0 that you can use without installation. However you have to perform the following steps if you want to use OpenModelica. 1. Unpack to directory (ONE WITH NO SPACES): C:\OpenModelica1.7.0\ 2. Set the environment variables: Right Click on My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables Environment Variables: Name: OPENMODELICAHOME Value: C:\OpenModelica1.7.0\ Name: OPENMODELICALIBRARY Value: C:\OpenModelica1.7.0\lib\omlibrary\msl31 Name: PTII (double big i at the end) Value: C:\OpenModelica1.7.0\bin\ptplot.jar Name: DRMODELICAHOME Value: "C:\OpenModelica1.7.0\share\omnotebook\drmodelica" 3. Would also be good to make all programs: OMShell, OMEdit, OMNotebook start in directory (working folder): c:\OpenModelica1.7.0\tmp You can do this by creating shortcuts to these programs and edit the work directory of the shorcut. Cheers, Adrian Pop/