This function finds the smallest difference between two angles around a point.
The difference is calculated as input angle 'ang1' to the reference angle 'ang2', positive value shows a clockwise direction from input to reference, i.e. shows a counter-clockwise by measurement.
function SmallestAngleDifference input AixLib.Airflow.WindowVentilation.BaseClasses.Types.SmallestAngleDifferenceTypes typ = AixLib.Airflow.WindowVentilation.BaseClasses.Types.SmallestAngleDifferenceTypes.Range180; input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle ang1 "Input angle"; input Modelica.Units.SI.Angle ang2 = 0 "Reference angle"; output Modelica.Units.SI.Angle angDif "Difference between two angels"; end SmallestAngleDifference;