This model describes the one-directional pressure driven air flow through a crack-like opening.
The opening is modeled as an orifice. The orifice area is parameterized by processing the effective air leakage area, the discharge coefficient and pressure drop at a reference condition. The effective air leakage area can be obtained, for example, from the ASHRAE fundamentals (ASHRAE, 1997, p. 25.18). In the ASHRAE fundamentals, the effective air leakage area is based on a reference pressure difference of 4 Pa and a discharge coefficient of 1. A similar model is also used in the CONTAM software (Dols and Walton, 2002). Dols and Walton (2002) recommend to use for the flow exponent m=0.6 to m=0.7 if the flow exponent is not reported with the test results.
to use consistent names within this package.
A conversion script can be used to update this parameter.