This function computes the opening characteristics of an equal percentage valve.
The function is used by the model Annex60.Fluid.Actuators.Valves.TwoWayEqualPercentage.
For y < delta/2
, the valve characteristics is linear. For y > 3*delta/2
the valve characteristics is equal percentage. In between, a cubic spline is used to ensure
that the valve characteristics is once continuously differentiable with respect to y
function equalPercentage input Real y "Valve opening signal, y=1 is fully open"; input Real R "Rangeability, R=50...100 typically"; input Real l(min = 0, max = 1) "Valve leakage, l=Kv(y=0)/Kv(y=1)"; input Real delta "Range of significant deviation from equal percentage law"; output Real phi "Ratio actual to nominal mass flow rate, phi=Cv(y)/Cv(y=1)"; end equalPercentage;