Model that demonstrates the use of an ideal heater and an ideal cooler.
The heater model has an almost unlimited positive capacity (Q_flow_nominal = 1.0e10
and hence its outlet temperature always reaches the set point temperatures.
The cooler model has a limited negative capacitiy (Q_flow_nominal = 1000
Watts), and hence
its outlet temperature reaches only a limited value corresponding to its
maximum negative capacity.
There is also a heater and cooler with unlimited capacity.
At t=1000 second, the flow reverses its direction.
Each flow leg has the same mass flow rate. There are three mass flow sources as using one source only would yield a nonlinear system of equations that needs to be solved to determine the mass flow rate distribution.
The heater and cooler models have the parameter show_T
set to true
to allow inspecting the temperatures at their ports.
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