
Model for air as a perfect gas


This package contains a thermally perfect model of moist air.

A medium is called thermally perfect if

In addition, this medium model is calorically perfect, i.e., the specific heat capacities at constant pressure cp and constant volume cv are both constant (Bower 1998).

This medium uses the ideal gas law

ρ = p ⁄(R T),

where ρ is the density, p is the pressure, R is the gas constant and T is the temperature.

The enthalpy is computed using the convention that h=0 if T=0 °C and no water vapor is present.

Note that for typical building simulations, the media Annex60.Media.Air should be used as it leads generally to faster simulation.


Bower, William B. A primer in fluid mechanics: Dynamics of flows in one space dimension. CRC Press. 1998.


 ThermodynamicStateThermodynamicState record for moist air
 XsaturationSteam water mass fraction of saturation boundary in kg_water/kg_moistair
 setState_pTXThermodynamic state as function of p, T and composition X
 setState_phXThermodynamic state as function of p, h and composition X
 setState_dTXThermodynamic state as function of d, T and composition X
 gasConstantGas constant
 saturationPressureLiquidReturn saturation pressure of water as a function of temperature T in the range of 273.16 to 373.16 K
 saturationPressureLiquid_derTime derivative of saturationPressureLiquid
 sublimationPressureIceSaturation curve valid for 223.16 <= T <= 273.16. Outside of these limits a (less accurate) result is returned
 sublimationPressureIce_derDerivative function for 'sublimationPressureIce'
 saturationPressureSaturation curve valid for 223.16 <= T <= 373.16 (and slightly outside with less accuracy)
 pressureGas pressure
 temperatureGas temperature
 densityGas density
 specificEntropySpecific entropy (liquid part neglected, mixing entropy included)
 enthalpyOfVaporizationEnthalpy of vaporization of water
 HeatCapacityOfWaterSpecific heat capacity of water (liquid only) which is constant
 enthalpyOfLiquidEnthalpy of liquid (per unit mass of liquid) which is linear in the temperature
 der_enthalpyOfLiquidTemperature derivative of enthalpy of liquid per unit mass of liquid
 enthalpyOfCondensingGasEnthalpy of steam per unit mass of steam
 der_enthalpyOfCondensingGasDerivative of enthalpy of steam per unit mass of steam
 enthalpyOfNonCondensingGasEnthalpy of non-condensing gas per unit mass of steam
 der_enthalpyOfNonCondensingGasDerivative of enthalpy of non-condensing gas per unit mass of steam
 enthalpyOfGasEnthalpy of gas mixture per unit mass of gas mixture
 enthalpyOfDryAirEnthalpy of dry air per unit mass of dry air
 der_enthalpyOfDryAirDerivative of enthalpy of dry air per unit mass of dry air
 specificHeatCapacityCpSpecific heat capacity of gas mixture at constant pressure
 der_specificHeatCapacityCpDerivative of specific heat capacity of gas mixture at constant pressure
 specificHeatCapacityCvSpecific heat capacity of gas mixture at constant volume
 der_specificHeatCapacityCvDerivative of specific heat capacity of gas mixture at constant volume
 dynamicViscositydynamic viscosity of dry air
 thermalConductivityThermal conductivity of dry air as a polynomial in the temperature
 specificEnthalpySpecific enthalpy
 specificEnthalpy_pTXSpecific enthalpy
 specificInternalEnergySpecific internal energy
 specificGibbsEnergySpecific Gibbs energy
 specificHelmholtzEnergySpecific Helmholtz energy
 temperature_phXCompute temperature from specific enthalpy and mass fraction


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