

The Spice-style p-channel MOSFET model contains the internal MOSFET plus the three external gate capacitances and the drain and source resistances.


 Level:   MOSFET modeling level (default value = 3)
            Level=0: Static injection model
            Level=1: Shichman-Hodges model
            Level=2: Grove-Frohman model
            Level=3: Empirical model
            Level=4: Simplified Grove-Frohman model

Basic Geometric Parameters:

 L:       Channel length (default value = 1e-4 m) Levels 0-4

 W:       Channel width (default value = 1e-4 m) Levels 0-4

Basic Process Parameters:

 TPG:     Type of gate material (default value = 1) Levels 0-4
            TPG = 0:  Aluminum gate
            TPG = 1:  Polysilicon gate

 TOX:     Thin oxide thickness (default value = 1e-7 m) Levels 0-4

 COX:     Specific capacitance of SiO2 (default value = 0 F/m2) Levels 0-4

 NSUB:    Substrate doping (default value = 0 1/m3) Levels 0-4

Basic Electrical Parameters:

 U0:      Surface mobility at reference temperature (default value = 0 m2/(V*s)) Levels 0-4

 VT0:     Zero-bias threshold voltage (default value = 0 Volt) Levels 0,1
            VT0 < 0 for enhancement MOSFET
            VT0 > 0 for depletion MOSFET

 LAMBDA:  Channel length modulation  (default value = 0 1/Volt) Levels 0-4

 LD:      Lateral diffusion (default value = 0 m) Levels 0-4

 WD:      Width diffusion (default value = 0 m) Levels 0-4

 KP:      Transconductance parameter at reference temperature (default value = 0 Amp/Volt2) Levels 0-4

 GAMMA:   Body-effect parameter (default value = 0 Volt0.5) Levels 0-4

 PHI:     Surface inversion potential at reference temperature (default value = 0 Volt) Levels 0-4

 NSS:     Surface state density (default value = 0 1/m2) Levels 0-4

Basic Temperature Compensation Parameters:

 Tnom:    Reference temperature (default value = 300.15 K) Levels 0-4

 EG:      Energy gap for temperature effect on saturation current at 0 K (default value = 1.11 Volt) Levels 0-4

Level=1 Electrical Parameters:

 AD:      Drain diffusion area (default value = 0 m2) Levels 1-4

 PD:      Drain perimeter width (default value = 0 m) Levels 1-4

 AS:      Source diffusion area (default value = 0 m2) Levels 1-4

 PS:      Source perimeter width (default value = 0 m) Levels 1-4

 ISD:     Drain junction saturation current at reference temperature (default value = 0 Amp) Levels 1-4

 ISS:     Source junction saturation current at reference temperature (default value = 0 Amp) Levels 1-4

 JS:      Transport saturation current density (default value = 0 Amp/m2) Levels 1-4

 PB:      Built-in potential at reference temperature (default value = 0.8 Volt) Levels 1-4

Level=1 Parasitic Resistor Parameters:

 RD:      Drain Ohmic resistance (default value = 1 Ohm) Levels 1-4

 RS:      Source Ohmic resistance (default value = 1 Ohm) Levels 1-4

Level=1 Junction Capacitance Parameters:

 CJ:      Zero-bias bulk capacitance per square meter at reference temperature (default value = 0 F/m2) Levels 1-4

 MJ:      Bulk junction grading coefficient (default value = 0.33) Levels 1-4

 CJSW:    Zero-bias perimeter capacitance per meter at reference temperature (default value = 1e-9 F/m) Levels 1-4

 MJSW:    Perimeter capacitance grading coefficient (default value = 0.33) Levels 1-4

 FC:      Forward-bias depletion capacitance coefficient (default value = 0.5) Levels 1-4

 CGB0:    Gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter (default value = 0 F/m) Levels 1-4

 CGD0:    Gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter (default value = 0 F/m) Levels 1-4

 CGS0:    Gate-source overlap capacitance per meter (default value = 0 F/m) Levels 1-4

Level=1 Temperature Compensation Parameters:

 TRD1:    Linear temperature coefficient of drain resistance (default value = 0 1/K) Levels 1-4

 TRD2:    Quadratic temperature coefficient of drain resistance (default value = 0 1/K2) Levels 1-4

 TRS1:    Linear temperature coefficient of source resistance (default value = 0 1/K) Levels 1-4

 TRS2:    Quadratic temperature coefficient of source resistance (default value = 0 1/K2) Levels 1-4

Level=2 Process Parameters:

 XJ:      Metallurgical Junction Depth (default value = 0 m) Levels 2-4

Level=2 Electrical Parameters:

 UCRIT:   Critical electric field for mobility (default value = 1e6 V/m) Levels 2,4

 UEXP:    Exponential coefficient for mobility (default value = 0) Levels 2,4

 UTRA:    Transverse field coefficient (default value = 0) Levels 2,4

 ECRIT:   Critical electric field for pinch-off (default value = 0 V/m) Levels 2,4

 DELTA:   Width effect on threshold voltage (default value = 0) Levels 2-4

 VMAX:    Maximum drift velocity of carriers (default value = 0 m/s) Levels 2-4
            VMAX = 0: Frohman-Grove model of drain current computation (Levels 2,4)
            VMAX > 0: Baum-Beneking model of drain current computation (Levels 2,4)

 NFS:     Surface fast state density (default value = 0 1/m2) Levels 2-4

 NEFF:    Total channel charge coefficient (default value = 1) Levels 2,4

 XQC:     Coefficient of channel charge share (default value = 0) Levels 2-4
            XQC <= 0.5: Ward-Dutton model of gate capacitance computation
            XQC >  0.5: Meyer model of gate capacitance computation

Level=3 Electrical Parameters:

 KAPPA:   Saturation field factor (default value = 0.2) Level 3

 ETA:     Static feedback on threshold voltage (default value = 0) Level 3

 THETA:   Mobility modulation (default value = 0 1/Volt) Level 3

Numerical Parameters:

 EMin:    if x < EMin, the exp(x) function is linearized (default value = -100) Levels 1-4

 EMax:    if x > EMax, the exp(x) function is linearized (default value = 40) Levels 1-4

 GminDC:  Leakage conductance (default value = 1e-12 mho) Levels 0-4


  1. Cellier, F.E. (1991), Continuous System Modeling, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  2. Massobrio, G. and P. Antognetti (1993), Semiconductor Device Modeling with Spice, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, New York.

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