Diodes are switching elements that are primarily being used in electrical circuits, although nothing prevents them from being used also in other energy domains. Zener diodes are always used as reversed diodes. Thus, the positive and negative pins have been reversed in the model. Leaking diodes are a special class of non-linear resistors.
The resistive source element has free causality on the primary side, and fixed causality on the secondary side. The causality stroke is at the element on the secondary side (a source of entropy, rather than a source of temperature).
Potential variables: e1: Bondgraphic effort variable of inflow f1: Bondgraphic flow variable of inflow, normalized positive for flows into the model e2: Bondgraphic effort variable of outflow f2: Bondgraphic flow variable of outflow, normalized positive for flows out of the model mode: Ternary variable denoting the switch position (internal modulation signal) s1: Curve parameter s2: Curve parameter Parameters: Ron: Leakage resistance in conducting state (default value = 1e-5 Ohm) Raval: Leakage resistance in avalanche state (default value = 1e-5 Ohm) Goff: Leakage conductance in blocking state (default value = 1e-5 Mho) e0: Avalanche breakdown voltage (default value = 1 Volt)
s2 = s1 - e0
mode = if s1 < 0 then conducting else if s1 < e0 then blocking else avalanche
e1 = if mode == conducting then Ron*s1 else if mode == blocking then s1 else (s2*Ron + e0)
f1 = if mode == conducting then s1 else if mode == blocking then Goff*s1 else (s2 + Goff*e0)
f2 = (e1/e2)*f1