Hypothesis and equations
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Note H-E10-1996-02908-FR
Instructions for use
Detail of thermal bridge vectors :
Known limits / Use precautions
Validated model - Alexandre Hautefeuille, Gilles Plessis, Amy Lindsay 04/2014
Licensed by EDF under a 3-clause BSD-license
Copyright © EDF 2009 - 2023
BuildSysPro version 3.6.0
Author : Alexandre HAUTEFEUILLE, Gilles PLESSIS, Amy LINDSAY, EDF (2014)
record Mozart1989to2000_10pc = BuildSysPro.BuildingStock.Utilities.Records.BuildingData.IndividualHousing.BuildingDataMOZART.BuildingType(redeclare replaceable parameter WallData.IndividualHousing.From1989to2000_10pc.AtticWall ParoiSousCombles, redeclare replaceable parameter WallData.IndividualHousing.From1989to2000_10pc.Door Porte, redeclare replaceable parameter WallData.IndividualHousing.From1989to2000_10pc.Floor PlancherBas, redeclare replaceable parameter WallData.IndividualHousing.From1989to2000_10pc.ExtWall Mur, redeclare replaceable parameter WallData.IndividualHousing.PartitionWall Cloisons, redeclare replaceable parameter WallData.IndividualHousing.SupportingWall Refends, redeclare replaceable parameter WallData.IndividualHousing.InteriorDoor PorteInt, hsExtVert = 25, hsIntVert = 7.69, hsIntHorHaut = 10, UvitrageAF = 2.1, UvitrageSF = 2.1, renouvAir = 0.551, ValeursK = {0.00, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.27, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}, TauPonts = {1, 1, 1, 1, 0.75, 1, 1, 1, 1}, bLNC = 0.75, bPlancher = 0.75, bSousCombles = 1);
07/2020 - Correction of surface exchange coefficient on walls (standardisation of all the record with values in agreement with ISO6946)