

The BuildSysPro library is a free open-source Modelica library for modeling building and energy systems.

This library is designed to be used in several contexts including building physics research, global performance evaluation, technology development and impact assessment. It is also a basis for urban and building stock simulation. BuildSysPro is intended for a relatively large audience ranging from R&D scientists to building services engineers.

BuildSysPro contains classes to describe the whole building and its energy systems including envelope components, HVAC systems and other energy conversion devices (DHW, thermal and photovoltaic panels…) and boundary conditions models. These classes are compliant with the Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer and Modelica.Media packages of the Modelica Standard Library to ensure a good level of interoperability with other Modelica libraries. The picture below is an illustration of a building envelope model, and of a whole building+systems model created with BuildSysPro:

image image

Licensed by EDF under a 3-clause BSD-license
Copyright © EDF 2009 - 2020
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of 3-clause BSD-license.
For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see BuildSysPro.UsersGuide.License.


 UsersGuideUser's Guide
 BuildingPackage with building envelope and air flow models
 SystemsPackage with models for energy systems and control
 BoundaryConditionsPackage with boundary conditions models
 BuildingStockPackage with building assemblies
 UtilitiesPackage of utility classes
 BaseClassesBase classes of the BuildSysPro library
 IBPSALibrary with models for building energy and control systems


Gilles Plessis 07/2013 : Suppression des annotations "operations" pour export binary... pour BuildSysPro.moe.

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