Partial model for a moist air source that either prescribes
pressure or mass flow rate.
Models that extend this partial model need to prescribe the outflowing
specific enthalpy, composition and trace substances.
This partial model only declares the ports
and ensures that the pressures at all ports are equal.
If the parameter verifyInputs
is set to true
then a protected instance of medium base properties is enabled.
This instance verifies that the
medium temperature is within the bounds T_min
and T_max
where T_min
and T_max
are constants of the Medium
If the temperature is outside these bounds, the simulation will stop with an error.
This partial model provides medium selection for moist air. For a model that only provides for water, moist air and glycol as a selection, use IBPSA.Fluid.Sources.BaseClasses.PartialSource.
Name | Description |
Medium in the component |