For xSup1 ≤ x ≤ xSupn, where n is the size of the support points xSup, which must be strictly monotonically increasing, this function interpolates using cubic hermite spline. For x outside this interval, the function linearly extrapolates.
If n=2, linear interpolation is used an if n=1, the function value y1 is returned.
Note that if xSup
and ySup
only depend on parameters
or constants, then
will be more efficient.
In contrast to the function
which provides linear interpolation, this function does
not trigger events.
For how to use this function, see IBPSA.Utilities.Math.Functions.Examples.SmoothInterpolation.
function smoothInterpolation extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input Real x "Abscissa value"; input Real xSup[:] "Support points (strictly increasing)"; input Real ySup[size(xSup, 1)] "Function values at xSup"; input Boolean ensureMonotonicity = isMonotonic(ySup, strict = false) "Set to true to ensure monotonicity of the cubic hermite"; output Real yInt "Interpolated ordinate value"; end smoothInterpolation;