This model calculates the hourly integral characterising both warm and cold discomfort
Hypothesis and equations
This model calculates the hourly integral of the difference between indoor temperature and thermally-acceptable condition range.
This range is defined by the parameter SeuilInconfort around the setpoint temperature. This range is not shown on the graph below.
Instructions for use
Connect the thermal Port Tint to the thermal zone to be monitored.
Connect the realInput Tconsignechauf and TconsigneRef to the cooling and heating setpoint temperature defined in a scenario. This setpoint may include low temperature setpoints.
Set discomfort threshold for the study. The more it is high, the more discomfort will be low because the comfort range will be larger.
Precise if presence is taken into account. The inclusion of presence allows to not overestimate the discomfort by preventing its calculation during occupants absence.
Known limits / Use precautions
The outputs OutInconfortFroid and OutInconfortChaud are positive and in [°C.h] unit. It is the difference in absolute value between the range of acceptable thermal comfort and indoor temperature which is integrated over time.
The outputs OutNbHeureInconfortFroid and OutNbHeureInconfortChaud are positive and in [h] unit. They indicate the number of dicomfort hours.
Validated model - Gilles Plessis 06/2012
Licensed by EDF under a 3-clause BSD-license
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BuildSysPro version 3.6.0
Author : Gilles PLESSIS, EDF (2012)
Gilles Plessis 03/2013 :