Hypothesis and equations
Given a cloud of N points (xi, yi), the best degree polynomial q which minimizes
Finding the polynomial P means finding the vector which minimizes the norm
and y the vector {yi}i=1,N.
Instructions for use
Example with Excel : we seek a polynomial trend curve of degree 3 with the following cloud of points :
Known limits / Use precautions
Validated function - Hassan Bouia, Sila Filfli 02/2011
Licensed by EDF under a 3-clause BSD-license
Copyright © EDF 2009 - 2023
BuildSysPro version 3.6.0
Author : Hassan BOUIA, Sila FILFLI, EDF (2011)
function LeastSquares input Integer N = 6 "Number of points"; input Integer q = 3 "Degree of the sought polynomial"; input Real x[N] = {1., 2, 3, 4, 5, 7} "X-axis"; input Real y[N] = {1, 2, 3.2, 4, 4.5, 7.2} "Y-axis"; output Real c[q + 1] "Coefficients of the sought polynomial"; end LeastSquares;
Benoît Charrier 01/2016 : Adaptation pour compatibilité avec OpenModelica