Name | Description |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Apr2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for April 2016 (period 1.4.2016 midnight to 1.5.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Aug2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for August 2016 (period 1.8.2016 midnight to 1.9.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Dec2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for December 2016 (period 1.12.2016 midnight to 1.1.2017 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Feb2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for February 2016 (period 1.2.2016 midnight to 1.3.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Jan2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for January 2016 (period 1.1.2016 midnight to 1.2.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Jul2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for July 2016 (period 1.7.2016 midnight to 1.8.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Jun2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for June 2016 (period 1.6.2016 midnight to 1.7.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Mar2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for March 2016 (period 1.3.2016 midnight to 1.4.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_May2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for May 2016 (period 1.5.2016 midnight to 1.6.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Nov2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for November 2016 (period 1.11.2016 midnight to 1.12.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Oct2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for October 2016 (period 1.10.2016 midnight to 1.11.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Sep2016 | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for September 2016 (period 1.9.2016 midnight to 1.10.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |
VDEW_H0_NRW_Year | Standardized electrical load profile H0 (VDEW) in W for 2016 (period 1.1.2016 midnight to 31.12.2016 midnight) for a yearly demand of 1000 kWh |