Model for a reciprocating processor, as detailed in Jin (2002). The rate of heat transferred to the evaporator is given by:
Q̇Eva = ṁref ( hVap(TEva) - hLiq(TCon) ).
The power consumed by the compressor is given by a linear efficiency relation:
P = PTheoretical / η + PLoss,constant.
Variable speed is acheived by multiplying the full load piston displacement by the normalized compressor speed. The power and heat transfer rates are forced to zero if the resulting heat pump state has higher evaporating pressure than condensing pressure.
The compression process is assumed isentropic. The thermal energy of superheating is ignored in the evaluation of the heat transferred to the refrigerant in the evaporator. There is no supercooling.
H. Jin. Parameter estimation based models of water source heat pumps. PhD Thesis. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. 2002.
this is replaced by
See #769.