This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in BuildingSystems.Utilities.Math.Functions.
Name | Description |
Test case for Bessel function J0 | |
Test case for Bessel function J1 | |
Test case for Bessel function Y0 | |
Test case for Bessel function Y1 | |
Test case for evaluation of binomial coefficients | |
Test problem for cubic hermite splines | |
Test case for the exponential integral, E1 | |
Test case for evaluation of factorials | |
Test case for evaluation of falling factorials | |
Test model for the interpolation function | |
Model that checks the correct implementation of the 1st order derivative of InverseXRegularized | |
Model that checks the correct implementation of the 2nd order derivative of InverseXRegularized | |
Test problem for function that replaces 1/x around the origin by a twice continuously differentiable function | |
Tests the correct implementation of the function isMonotonic | |
Test problem for function that linearizes y=x^n below some threshold | |
Example model using quintic Hermite spline | |
Example for inlined regStep function | |
Test model for the derivatives of the smoothHeavisidefunction | |
Test problem for cubic hermite splines that takes a vector of values as an argument | |
Tests the correct implementation of the function trapezoidalIntegration |