Block to compute the water vapor pressure for a given dew point temperature.
The correlation used in this model is valid for dew point temperatures between 0°C and 30°C. It is an approximation to the correlation from 2005 ASHRAE Handbook, p. 6.2, which is valid in a wider range of temperatures and implemented in BuildingSystems.Utilities.Psychrometrics.Functions.pW_TDewPoi. The approximation error of this simplified function is below 5% for a temperature of 0°C to 30°C. The benefit of this simpler function is that it can be inverted analytically, whereas the other function requires a numerical solution.
p_w = BuildingSystems.Utilities.Psychrometrics.Functions.pW_TDewPoi(T=T);
p_w = BuildingSystems.Utilities.Psychrometrics.Functions.pW_TDewPoi_amb(T=T);
as the first version sometimes triggered warnings when the solver attempts negative
temperatures. The accuracy of the two implementation does not change much in the
region of interest for building HVAC applications.
to pW_TDewPoi