This package contains functions for the numerica smoothing of equations:
softcut softly cuts to upper and lower limit. softcut_lower softly cuts to lower limit. softcut_upper softly cuts to upper limit. softpow pow(x) with x close to 0.0 smoothing. softabs softabs(x) softly approximate fabs(). safetanh tanh(x) with NaN catching. safepow pow(x) with x less than 0.0 catching. softswitch switches softly between y0 and y1 at x=y_switch with smoothing f. safereciprocal calculates 1/x without zeros between a user defined intervall from -delta to +delta.
Name | Description |
Power function that is linearized below a user-defined threshold | |
Safe pow() with x < 0.0 catching | |
Calculates 1/x without zeros between a user defined intervall from -delta to +delta | |
Tanh with NaN catching | |
softly cuts to upper and lower limit | |
Softly cuts to lower limit | |
Softly cuts to upper limit | |
Softly approximate fabs() | |
Pow() with x -> 0.0 smoothing | |
Softly switches between y0 and y1 at x=x_switch with smoothing f |