This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.BaseClasses.
Name | Description |
CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature | Test model for CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature |
CheckPressure | Test model for pressure check |
CheckTemperature | Test model for CheckTemperature |
ConvertTime | Test model for converting time |
ConvertTimeNegativeStart | Validation of time conversion for negative start time |
ConvertTimePositiveStart | Validation of time conversion for positive start time |
EquationOfTime | Test model for equation of time |
GetAbsolutePath | Test model to get the absolute path of a URI |
GetAltitudeTMY3 | Test model to get Altitude of TMY3 |
GetHeaderElement | Test model to get header element |
GetTimeSpanTMY3 | Test model to get the time span of a weather file |
GetTimeSpanTMY3LongHeader | Test model to get the time span of a weather file with a long header line |
GetTimeSpanTMY3_NonzeroStart | Test model to get time span of a weather file, start time is non zero |
LimitMin | Test model for ceiling height check |
LocalCivilTime | Test model for calculate local civil time |
SolarTime | Test model for solar time |