This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in Buildings.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.
Name | Description |
CheckBlackBodySkyTemperature | Check the validity of the black-body sky temperature data |
CheckDewPointTemperature | Check the validity of the dew point temperature data |
CheckDryBulbTemperature | Check the validity of the dry bulb temperature data |
CheckPressure | Ensures that the interpolated pressure is between prescribed bounds |
ConvertTime | Converts the simulation time to calendar time in scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of a year |
EquationOfTime | Equation of time |
LimiterCeilingHeight | Block that limits the relative humidity |
LimiterHorizontalInfraredIrradiation | Block that limits the horizontal infrared irradiation |
LimiterOpaqueSkyCover | Block that limits the opaque sky cover |
LimiterRelativeHumidity | Block that limits the relative humidity |
LimiterTotalSkyCover | Block that limits the total sky cover |
LimiterWindDirection | Block that limits the wind direction |
LimiterWindSpeed | Block that limits the wind speed |
LocalCivilTime | Converts the clock time to local civil time. |
PartialConvertTime | Converts the simulation time to calendar time in scale of 1 year (365 days), or a multiple of a year |
PartialLimiter | Partial block to limit a signal |
PartialLimiterMin | Partial block to limit a signal |
SolarTime | Solar time |
SourceSelector | Block that selects as its output either a parameter value or its input |
SourceSelectorRadiation | Block that selects the solar radiation source and outputs the solar radiation quantities |
getAbsolutePath | Gets the absolute path of a URI |
getAltitudeLocationTMY3 | Gets the altitude from TMY3 file |
getHeaderElementTMY3 | Gets an element from the header of a TMY3 weather data file |
getLastHeaderElementTMY3 | Gets last element from the header of a TMY3 weather data file |
getLatitudeTMY3 | Gets the latitude from a TMY3 weather data file |
getLongitudeTMY3 | Gets the longitude from a TMY3 weather data file |
getTimeSpanTMY3 | Get the time span of the weather data from the file |
getTimeZoneTMY3 | Gets the time zone from a TMY3 weather data file |
Examples | Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |