
Carrier Centurion 50PG12


Performance data for DX single speed air source cooling coil model. This data corresponds to the following EnergyPlus model:

    Carrier Centurion 50PG12,               !- Name
    CoolingCoilAvailSched,                  !- Availability Schedule Name
    36788.24,                               !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
    0.76,                                   !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
    4.05,                                   !- Rated COP
    1.888,                                  !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                                       !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate {W/(m3/s)}
    DXCoilAirInletNode,                     !- Air Inlet Node Name
    DXCoilAirOutletNode,                    !- Air Outlet Node Name
    Carrier Centurion 50PG12 CapFT,         !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
    Carrier Centurion 50PG12 CapFFF,        !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
    Carrier Centurion 50PG12 EIRFT,         !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
    Carrier Centurion 50PG12 EIRFFF,        !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
    Carrier Centurion 50PG12 PLFFPLR;       !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name


record Carrier_Centurion_50PG12 = Buildings.Fluid.DXSystems.Cooling.AirSource.Data.SingleSpeed.Generic(sta = {Buildings.Fluid.DXSystems.Cooling.AirSource.Data.Generic.BaseClasses.Stage(spe = 1800, nomVal = Buildings.Fluid.DXSystems.Cooling.AirSource.Data.Generic.BaseClasses.NominalValues(Q_flow_nominal = -36788.24, COP_nominal = 4.05, SHR_nominal = 0.76, m_flow_nominal = 1.2*1.888), perCur = Buildings.Fluid.DXSystems.Cooling.AirSource.Data.Generic.BaseClasses.PerformanceCurve(capFunT = {1.0013476, -0.0187754, 0.0015312, 0.0054931, -0.0000901, -0.0004408}, capFunFF = {0.6460191, 0.5455414, -0.1910828}, EIRFunT = {0.3037085, 0.0310288, -0.0009543, 0.0053687, 0.0004729, -0.0004469}, EIRFunFF = {1.3637624, -0.5775338, 0.2130374}, TConInMin = 273.15 + 15.56, TConInMax = 273.15 + 51.67, TEvaInMin = 273.15 + 12.22, TEvaInMax = 273.15 + 26.67, ffMin = 0.75, ffMax = 1.25))});

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