Block that calculates the heat transfered to airloop QTotDef_flow
the total heating power consumption of the component PTot
the defrost input power consumption PDef
and the crankcase heater input power consumption PCra
The calculation are based on in Section and 11.6 in the the EnergyPlus 22.2 engineering reference document, and are as
the defrost cycle time fraction tDefFra
, the heating capacity multiplier
and the input power multiplier inpPowMul
calculated by
the total heat transfer QTot_flow
and energy input ratio EIR
calculated by
the measured temperature TConIn
, humidity ratio per kg of total air
and pressure pIn
of the indoor coil inlet air
the measured outdoor air temperature TOut
Based on the type of defrost method defOpe
, different calculations are used:
If defOpe = reverseCycle
the heat transfer rate from the airstream to the outdoor coil QDef_flow
and the power consumption for defrost PDef
are calculated as follows:
QDef_flow = 0.01*tDefFra*(7.222 - TOut)*(QTot_flow/1.01667),
PDef = defMod_T*(QTot_flow/1.01667)*tDefFra*RTF,
where defMod_T
is the defrost operation modifier calculated as
defMod_T = defCur[1] + defCur[2]*TConInWetBul + defCur[3]*TConInWetBul2 + defCur[4]*TOut + defCur[5]*TOut2 + defCur[6]*TOut*TConInWetBul,
and RTF
is the runtime fraction of the heating coil, calculated from
part load ratio PLR
and part load fraction PLFra
The part load ratio PLR
is set to 1
only a constant speed DX heating coil is implemented.
The PLFra
is calculated from the part load fraction curve defCur.PLFraFunPLR
PLFra = PLFraFunPLR[1] + PLFraFunPLR[2]*PLR + PLFraFunPLR[3]*PLR2 + PLFraFunPLR[4]*PLR3.
If defOpe = reverseCycle
the calculations are
QDef_flow = 0,
PDef = QDefResCap*tDefFra*RTF,
where QDefResCap
is the rated capacity of the resistive heating
element on the outdoor coil.
The remaining variable calculations for RTF
are the same as above.
The total power consumption PTot
and total heat flowrate to the air stream
(while accounting for defrost operation) is calculated
as follows:
PTot = QTot_flow*EIR*PLR*inpPowMul/PLFra,
QTotDef_flow = QTot_flow*heaCapMul.
Name | Description |
Fluid medium package |