
Calculate the solar heat gain of a solar collector per ASHRAE Standard 93


This component computes the solar heat gain of the solar thermal collector. It only calculates the solar heat gain without considering the heat loss to the environment. This model uses ratings data according to ASHRAE93. The solar heat gain is calculated using Equations 555 - 559 in the referenced EnergyPlus documentation.

The solar radiation absorbed by the panel is identified using Eq 559 from the EnergyPlus documentation. It is

QFlow[i]=Ac/nSeg (FR(τα) K(τα)net (GDir (1-shaCoe)+GDif,Sky+GDif,Gnd))

where QFlow[i] is the heat gain in each segment, A c is the area of the collector, nSeg is the user-specified number of segments in the simulation, FR(τα) is the maximum collector efficiency, K(τα)net is the incidence angle modifier, GDir is the direct solar radiation, shaCoe is the user-specified shading coefficient, GDif,Sky is the diffuse solar radiation from the sky, and GDif,Gnd is the diffuse radiation from the ground.

The solar radiation equation indicates that the collector is divided into multiple segments. The number of segments used in the simulation is specified by the user (parameter: nSeg). The area of an individual segment is identified by dividing the collector area by the total number of segments. The term shaCoe is used to define the percentage of the collector that is shaded.

The incidence angle modifier used in the solar radiation equation is found using Eq 556 from the EnergyPlus documentation. It is

K(τα),net=(GBeam K(τα), Beam+GDif,Sky K(τα),Sky+GDif,Gnd K(τα),Gnd) / (Gbeam+GDif,Sky+G Dif,Gnd)

where K(τα),net is the net incidence angle modified, GBeam is the beam radiation, K(τα),Beam is the incidence angle modifier for beam radiation, GDif,Sky is the diffuse radiation from the sky, K(τα),Sky is the incidence angle modifier for radiation from the sky, GDif, Gnd is the diffuse radiation from the ground, and K(τα),Gnd is the incidence angle modifier for diffuse radiation from the ground.

Each incidence angle modifier is calculated using Eq 555 from the EnergyPlus documentation. It is

K(τα),x=1+b0 (1/cos(θ)-1)+b1 (1/cos(θ)-1)2

where x can refer to beam, sky or ground. θ is the incidence angle. For beam radiation θ is found via standard geometry. The incidence angle for sky and ground diffuse radiation are found using, respectively, Eq 557 and 558 from the EnergyPlus documentation. They are

θsky=59.68-0.1388 til+0.001497 til2
θgnd=90.0-0.5788 til+0.002693 til2

where θsky is the incidence angle for diffuse radiation from the sky, til is the tilt of the solar thermal collector, and θgnd is the incidence angle for diffuse radiation from the ground.

These two equations must be evaluated in degrees. The necessary unit conversions are made internally.

This model reduces the heat gain rate to 0 W when the fluid temperature is within 1 degree C of the maximum temperature of the medium model. The calculation is performed using the Buildings.Utilities.Math.Functions.smoothHeaviside function.


EnergyPlus 7.0.0 Engineering Reference, October 13, 2011.
ASHRAE 93-2010 -- Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors (ANSI approved)


 MediumMedium in the system


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