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The function returns the fraction of capacity or demand that matches the allocated amount of a scarce resource given the clearing attractiveness c
, the attractiveness a
(e.g., utility), and the width w
of a uniform distribution function that describes the priority profile for the recipient.
Functions.allocateUniform(c, a, w);
Functions.allocateUnifom(3.5, 5, 3); // 1.0 Functions.allocateUnifom(5.0, 5, 3); // 0.5 Functions.allocateUnifom(6.5, 5, 3); // 0.0
allocateTriangular, allocateNormal, allocateExtremeValue
encapsulated function allocateUniform import ICON = BusinessSimulation.Icons.Function; extends ICON; input Real c "Clearing attractiveness"; input Real a "Attractiveness of recipient"; input Real w "Width of distribution (i.e., span of the uniform distribution)"; output Real y "Fraction of total capacity or demand allocated to the recipient"; end allocateUniform;