

This information is part of the Business Simulation Library (BSL). Please support this work and ► donate.

This pacakge contains functions used in the library.

Copyright © 2020 Guido Wolf Reichert
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later


allocateAvailableAllocate an available amount using priority profiles given by distributions
allocatedAmountsAllocate a scarce resoure using priority profiles given by distributions
allocateExtremeValueAllocate a scarce resoure using an extreme value priority distribution
allocateNormalAllocate a scarce resoure using a normal priority distribution
allocateTriangularAllocate a scarce resoure using a triangular priority distribution
allocateUniformAllocate a scarce resoure using a uniform priority distribution
allTrueQGives true, if all elements in a vector of Booleans are true
areaLineSegmentCalculate the area under a line segment
arithmeticMean(Weighted) arithmetic mean
bitShiftRightn >> k
booleReturns 1.0 if input is true, and 0.0 otherwise
clipClip values so they do not extend beyond a given interval
constrainedRateSet rate for a port according to signals from stock
constrainedRateBooleanReturn true, if the indicated rate meets restrictions
evalmfEvaluate a fuzzy membership function
gaussmfGaussian membership function
gbellmfGeneralized bell-shaped membership function
geometricMean(Weighted) geometric mean
huntFind left index in an ordered list of value given a start index value
interpolateInterpolate in an ordered list of tuples
locateFind left index in an ordered list of values
janoschekJanoschek's Growth Curve
noneTrueQGives true, if no element in a vector of Booleans is true
normalizationConstantCalculate the normalization constant for a distribution given by a piecewise linear density function
normalizePLpdfNormalize a piecewise linear density function given by a list of points
notZeroQYields true if input is different from zero
pimfPi-shaped membership function
plCDFGenerate a piecewise linear cumulative distribution function from a piecewise linear density function
polynomialFunctionPolynomial function of degree n
psigmfProduct of two sigmoidal membership functions
rampmfBounded ramp membership function
rawInterpolateInterpolate in a list of tuples given the index value for the index value to the left
rescaleRescale values from one range to another
rescaleVectorRescale a list of values from one range to another
shiftListShift a list n steps, report carry, and fill gaps
sigmfSigmoidal membership function
smfS-shaped membership function
stringToTimeBaseFind the corresponding element of the TimeBases enumeration for a given time base string
trapmfTrapezoidal membership function
trimfTriangular membership function
UtilityFunctionsFunctions used as function arguments

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